
Understanding SphereGeometry

The SphereGeometry class in Three.js simplifies the creation of spherical objects by defining their radius and specifying the level of detail through the parameters widthSegments and heightSegments. This class offers a straightforward approach to generating spheres, making it an essential asset for 3D web developers.

// Creating a SphereGeometry
const sphereRadius = 2;
const widthSegments = 32;
const heightSegments = 16;

const sphereGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(sphereRadius, widthSegments, heightSegments);

Customization and Parameters:

Adjusting the radius, widthSegments, and heightSegments offers control over the level of detail and smoothness of the sphere's surface.

// Creating a smaller, smoother sphere
const smallSphere = new THREE.SphereGeometry(5, 16, 16);
