Creational design patterns in C++ focus on providing mechanisms for object creation, handling the instantiation process, and ensuring that objects are created in a manner that is flexible, efficient, and promotes code reuse. These patterns abstract the instantiation process, allowing the system to be independent of how its objects are created, composed, and represented.
Creational design patterns in C++ are like recipes for creating objects in a smart and organized way. They help you make objects while keeping your code flexible and easy to change.
1 Singleton Pattern:
Imagine you have a class representing a printer. With the singleton pattern, you ensure that there's only one instance of the printer class throughout your program. It's like having a single, shared printer for everyone in your office. This ensures that whenever someone wants to print, they use the same printer.
2 Factory Method Pattern:
Think of a pizza restaurant. You have a variety of pizzas (objects) to choose from, but you don't need to know the intricate details of how each pizza is made. Instead, you tell the chef (factory method) what type of pizza you want (e.g., Pepperoni, Margherita), and the chef handles the creation process for you. This pattern allows for creating different types of objects without exposing the creation logic to the client code.