Type Alias

Type aliases, introduced in C++11, provide a convenient way to create synonyms for existing data types, making code more readable and adaptable.

Basics of Type Aliases

a. Introduction to using Keyword

The using keyword is the primary tool for creating type aliases in C++. It allows programmers to define a new name for an existing type, enhancing code readability and maintainability.

using Distance = double; // Creating a type alias for double
Distance distanceValue = 10.5;

In this example, we have created a type alias Distance for the double data type, making the code more expressive when dealing with distances.

b. Type Aliases for Templates

Type aliases are particularly powerful when working with templates, allowing for cleaner and more concise code.

template <typename T>
using Vector = std::vector<T>; // Type alias for std::vector
Vector<int> intVector;

Here, Vector serves as a more readable alternative to std::vector<int>. Type aliases simplify template syntax, making it easy to understand complex data structures.