Constant Member in Classes

const members in classes are a way to define variables or methods that cannot be modified after they are initialized. This concept helps in enforcing immutability and ensures that certain aspects of your class objects remain constant throughout their lifecycle.

Types of const Members in Classes

1️⃣ Constant Data Members

A constant data member is a member variable that cannot be modified after it is initialized. You must initialize constant data members either via an initializer list in the constructor or at the point of declaration (if using C++11 or later).

This is especially useful when certain properties of a class should remain constant throughout the lifetime of an object, such as configuration settings or fixed values tied to the object.


class MyClass {
    const int constantVar;  // Constant data member
    MyClass(int x) : constantVar(x) {}  // Must be initialized in the constructor


class MyClass {
    const int constantVar = 7;  // Constant data member
    MyClass(){}  // Must be initialized in the constructor

Key Characteristics:

  • Initialization Requirement: Constant data members must be initialized when the object is constructed, typically through a constructor initializer list.
  • Immutability: Once a constant data member is initialized, it cannot be modified later in the code.
  • Storage: Each object of the class holds its own copy of the constant member, unlike static const which is shared among all instances.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Car {
    const int maxSpeed;  // Constant data member

    Car(int speed) : maxSpeed(speed) {}  // Initialize in constructor

    void displayMaxSpeed() const {
        cout << "Max speed: " << maxSpeed << " km/h" << endl;

int main() {
    Car sportsCar(250);

    // sportsCar.maxSpeed = 300;  // Error: cannot modify a constant member

    return 0;

In this example, maxSpeed is a constant data member that must be initialized via the constructor. Once set, its value is fixed for the lifetime of the sportsCar object. Attempting to modify maxSpeed will result in a compilation error.

2️⃣ Constant Member Functions

Constant member functions are member functions that do not modify the state of the object. They are declared with the const keyword after the parameter list. Such functions can only call other constant member functions and cannot modify any member variables.


class MyClass {
    int getValue() const;  // Constant member function

Key Characteristics:

  • No Modification: A constant member function is prohibited from modifying any class data members, except those marked as mutable.
  • Const Objects: These functions can be called on const objects, whereas non-const member functions cannot.
    • Means a const function can be called on any type of object, const object as well as non-const object.
  • Compiler Enforcement: The compiler will enforce this immutability at compile time, ensuring that any attempt to modify data inside a const member function will result in an error.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Book {
    string title;
    int pages;

    Book(string t, int p) : title(t), pages(p) {}

    // Constant member function
    int getPages() const {
        return pages;

    // Non-constant member function
    void setPages(int p) {
        pages = p;

int main() {
    Book myBook("C++ Guide", 500);

    cout << "Pages: " << myBook.getPages() << endl;  // OK

    const Book constBook("Const Book", 300);
    cout << "Pages: " << constBook.getPages() << endl;  // OK, because getPages() is a const function

    // constBook.setPages(400);  // Error: cannot call non-const function on const object

    return 0;

In this example:

  • getPages() is a constant member function, meaning it does not modify the object and can be called on both const and non-const objects.
  • setPages() is a non-constant member function and cannot be called on a const object like constBook.
  • Const after function declaration: The const qualifier after the member function declaration enforces that the function cannot modify any data members or call non-const member functions.

Constant Static Member Variables

Static constant member variables are shared among all instances of a class and are initialized outside the class definition. They are useful for defining constants that are common to all instances of the class.

Syntax and Example

#include <iostream>

class MyClass {
    static const int staticConstant = 100;  // Declaration

    void printStaticConstant() const {
        std::cout << "Static Constant: " << staticConstant << std::endl;

// Definition outside the class (only necessary for non-constexpr static members)
const int MyClass::staticConstant;

int main() {
    MyClass obj;
    obj.printStaticConstant();  // Outputs: Static Constant: 100
    return 0;

Key Points:

  • staticConstant is a static constant member variable initialized within the class definition.
  • For non-constexpr static constants, the definition outside the class is required.

3️⃣ Constant Objects

If an entire object is declared as const, all its member variables become effectively constant, and only const member functions can be called on that object.

Non-const can't be invoked because they might modify the object.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class MyClass {
    int data;

    MyClass(int x) : data(x) {}

    // Constant member function
    int getData() const {
        return data;

    // Non-constant member function
    void setData(int x) {
        data = x;

int main() {
    MyClass obj(10);

    cout << "Data: " << obj.getData() << endl;

    cout << "Data after modification: " << obj.getData() << endl;

    const MyClass constObj(50);
    cout << "Data of constant object: " << constObj.getData() << endl;

    // constObj.setData(60);  // Error: cannot call non-const member function on const object

    return 0;

Key Points:

  • getData() is a constant member function, meaning it cannot modify any member variables of the class.
  • Constant member functions can be called on both const and non-const objects.
  • Non-constant member functions, like setData(), cannot be called on const objects.

Why Use const in Class Members?

Using const in class members provides several advantages:

  1. Immutability: It ensures that certain properties of an object remain unchanged, leading to more predictable and safer code.
  2. Self-Documentation: Declaring a function as const communicates the intent that this function will not alter the state of the object, making the code easier to understand and maintain.
  3. Optimization: The compiler can apply certain optimizations when it knows that an object or function will not modify the state, potentially improving performance.


1. What is a const class member in C++?

A const class member is either a constant data member or a constant member function in C++.

  • Constant data members are variables that cannot be changed after they are initialized.
  • Constant member functions are functions that do not modify any member variables of the class.

2. How do I declare a constant data member in a class?

You declare a constant data member by using the const keyword inside the class definition. It must be initialized via the constructor's initializer list.


class MyClass {
    const int constantVar;  // Constant data member
    MyClass(int x) : constantVar(x) {}  // Must initialize in the constructor

3. Can I change the value of a constant data member after it's initialized?

No, once a constant data member is initialized, its value cannot be changed for the lifetime of the object. Attempting to modify it will result in a compilation error.

4. What is a const member function?

A const member function is a function that does not modify the object it belongs to. It can be called on both constant and non-constant objects. The const keyword is placed at the end of the function declaration.


class MyClass {
    int getValue() const { return value; }  // Constant member function
    int value;

5. Can a const member function modify data members?

No, a const member function cannot modify any of the class's non-mutable data members. The compiler ensures that these functions remain read-only.

6. Can constant member functions be overloaded with non-constant member functions?

Yes, you can overload constant member functions with non-constant ones. The compiler differentiates between them based on whether they are called on const or non-const objects.


class MyClass {
    void show() const { /* const version */ }
    void show() { /* non-const version */ }

7. Can I have a constant static data member?

Yes, you can have a static const data member, but it must be initialized outside the class definition.


class MyClass {
    static const int staticConstVar;  // Static const data member

const int MyClass::staticConstVar = 100;  // Initialization outside class

8. Can constant member functions access non-constant data members?

Yes, constant member functions can access non-constant data members, but they cannot modify them unless those members are declared as mutable.

9. What is the purpose of const member functions?

The purpose of const member functions is to guarantee that the function does not modify the object. This makes the function safer and enables it to be called on const objects, ensuring immutability where needed.

10. Can I call non-constant member functions on a const object?

No, you cannot call non-constant member functions on a const object because non-constant functions may modify the object, which would violate the const contract.

11. What happens if I try to modify a constant member inside a const member function?

If you try to modify a constant data member or call a non-constant member function from within a const member function, the compiler will generate an error.

12. Can I use const for constructors and destructors?

No, constructors and destructors cannot be declared as const because the constructor initializes the object and the destructor may clean up its state, both of which imply modification of the object's state.

13. Can I have constant pointers as class members?

Yes, you can have constant pointers or pointers to constant data as class members, which follow the same const semantics as any other variable.


class MyClass {
    int* const constPtr;  // Constant pointer
    const int* ptrToConst;  // Pointer to constant data
    MyClass(int* p1, const int* p2) : constPtr(p1), ptrToConst(p2) {}

14. When should I use constant data members and constant member functions?

You should use constant data members when certain properties of the object should never change once initialized, such as fixed configuration or reference values. Use constant member functions when the function is meant to be read-only and should not alter the state of the object, allowing it to be safely called on const objects.