What is a Forward List?
A forward_list in C++ is a singly linked list container that allows sequential access to its elements. Unlike other list containers in the STL, such as list or deque, forward_list supports only forward iteration, hence the name.
- Singly Linked List Structure:
- A forward_list is implemented as a singly linked list, where each element (node) contains a pointer to the next element in the sequence.
- Unlike doubly linked lists, forward_list nodes only maintain a forward link, resulting in reduced memory overhead.
- Forward Iteration Only:
- The forward_list supports forward iteration only, as the name suggests. This means traversal through the elements can only be done in a forward direction.
- Iterators allow movement from one element to the next but not backward.
- Efficient Insertion and Deletion:
- Insertion and deletion operations at the beginning of a forward_list are particularly efficient, typically requiring constant time complexity O(1).
- Operations such as push_front(), insert_after(), and erase_after() provide efficient ways to modify the list.
- No Random Access:
- Unlike array-like containers such as std::vector or std::array, forward_list does not support random access to elements.
- Accessing elements by index or position is not directly possible; instead, traversal from the beginning of the list is necessary to reach a specific element.
- Reduced Memory Overhead:
- Due to its singly linked structure, forward_list generally consumes less memory compared to doubly linked list containers like std::list.
- Each node in the list requires memory for storing the data element and a pointer to the next node, resulting in a smaller memory footprint.
- No Reverse Iteration:
- Since forward_list nodes only maintain a forward link, reverse iteration (traversing from the end to the beginning) is not supported.
- To traverse the list in reverse order, it would be necessary to first reverse the list or use alternative data structures.
#include <forward_list> // Include the forward_list header
int main() {
// Declaration and Initialization
std::forward_list<DataType> forwardListName; // Create an empty forward_list
std::forward_list<DataType> forwardListName = {val1, val2, val3}; // Create and initialize with values
// Iterators
forwardListName.begin(); // Iterator pointing to the first element
forwardListName.end(); // Iterator pointing to one past the last element
// Capacity
forwardListName.empty(); // Returns true if the forward_list is empty, false otherwise
forwardListName.size(); // Returns the number of elements in the forward_list
// Modifiers
forwardListName.push_front(value); // Insert element at the beginning
forwardListName.pop_front(); // Remove the first element
forwardListName.insert_after(iterator, value); // Insert element after the specified position
forwardListName.erase_after(iterator); // Remove element after the specified position
forwardListName.clear(); // Remove all elements
// Operations
forwardListName.merge(otherForwardList); // Merge two forward_lists
forwardListName.sort(); // Sort elements in non-descending order
forwardListName.reverse(); // Reverse the order of elements
// Element Access
forwardListName.front(); // Access the first element
// Iteration
for (auto it = forwardListName.begin(); it != forwardListName.end(); ++it) {
// Access each element using the iterator 'it'
return 0;
1 push_front()
Adds a new element at the beginning of the forward_list.
#include <iostream>
#include <forward_list>
int main() {
std::forward_list<int> myForwardList = {30, 20, 10};
// Inserting an element at the beginning
// Displaying elements
for (int num : myForwardList) {
std::cout << num << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
Complexity: O(1)
- Constant time. This operation always takes the same amount of time, regardless of the size of the forward_list.
2 pop_front()
Removes the first element from the forward_list.
#include <iostream>
#include <forward_list>
int main() {
std::forward_list<int> myForwardList = {30, 20, 10};
// Removing the first element
// Displaying elements
for (int num : myForwardList) {
std::cout << num << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
Complexity: O(1)
- Constant time. This operation always takes the same amount of time, regardless of the size of the forward_list.
3 insert_after()
It insert an element after a specified position in the forward_list.
#include <iostream>
#include <forward_list>
int main() {
std::forward_list<int> myForwardList = {30, 10};
// Inserting an element after the first position
auto it = myForwardList.begin();
myForwardList.insert_after(it, 20);
// Displaying elements
for (int num : myForwardList) {
std::cout << num << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
Complexity: The time complexity of insert_after()
is constant O(1)
because it involves creating a new node and adjusting pointer which is independent of the size of the forward_list.
4 erase_after()
It is used to remove an element after a specified position in the forward_list.
#include <iostream>
#include <forward_list>
int main() {
std::forward_list<int> myForwardList = {30, 20, 10};
// Removing the element after the first position
auto it = myForwardList.begin();
// Displaying elements
for (int num : myForwardList) {
std::cout << num << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
Complexity: The time complexity of erase_after()
is constant O(1)
because it involves adjusting pointers to remove an element, which is independent of the of the forward_list.
5 clear()
It is used to remove all elements from the forward_list.
#include <iostream>
#include <forward_list>
int main() {
std::forward_list<int> myForwardList = {30, 20, 10};
// Clearing all elements
// Displaying elements (should be empty)
for (int num : myForwardList) {
std::cout << num << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
Complexity: The time complexity of clear()
is linear O(N)
, where N
is the number of elements in the forward_list. It involves deallocating memory for each node, and the time required is proportional to the size of the list.