LODSX Instruction Family in x86

The LODSX family of instructions in x86 assembly language is part of the broader category of string operations, designed to handle sequences of data efficiently. These instructions are integral for tasks involving data manipulation in memory, providing a powerful toolset for low-level programming. In this article, we will delve into the LODSX instructions, specifically lodsb, lodsw, and lodsd, exploring their functionality, usage, and practical applications.

Overview of LODSX Instructions

The LODSX instructions are used to load data from memory into the accumulator register. The specific instruction used depends on the size of the data being handled:

  • lodsb (Load String Byte): Loads a byte from memory into the AL register.
  • lodsw (Load String Word): Loads a word (2 bytes) from memory into the AX register.
  • lodsd (Load String Doubleword): Loads a doubleword (4 bytes) from memory into the EAX register.

Detailed Functionality


  • Mnemonic: Load String Byte
  • Operation: AL ← [SI]
  • Description: This instruction loads the byte at the memory location pointed to by the SI (Source Index) register into the AL (Accumulator Low) register and increments or decrements SI based on the Direction Flag (DF).


  • Mnemonic: Load String Word
  • Operation: AX ← [SI]
  • Description: This instruction loads the word (2 bytes) at the memory location pointed to by SI into the AX register and increments or decrements SI by 2 based on the Direction Flag (DF).


  • Mnemonic: Load String Doubleword
  • Operation: EAX ← [SI]
  • Description: This instruction loads the doubleword (4 bytes) at the memory location pointed to by SI into the EAX register and increments or decrements SI by 4 based on the Direction Flag (DF).


  • Mnemonic: LODSQ
  • Full Form: Load String Quadword
  • Operation: RAX ← [RSI]
  • Affected Registers: RAX, RSI
  • Description: This instruction loads a quadword (64 bits or 8 bytes) from the memory location pointed to by the RSI register into the RAX register. The RSI register is then incremented or decremented based on the Direction Flag (DF).

Direction Flag (DF)

The Direction Flag (DF) controls the increment or decrement of the SI register after each load operation:

  • If DF is clear (0), SI is incremented (forwards).
  • If DF is set (1), SI is decremented (backwards).

The cld (Clear Direction Flag) and std (Set Direction Flag) instructions are used to control the DF:

  • cld: Clears the Direction Flag, making SI increment.
  • std: Sets the Direction Flag, making SI decrement.


Example 1: lodsb (Load String Byte)

This example demonstrates how to load bytes from a string and print them using BIOS interrupt 10h.

section .data
    msg db 'Hello, World!', 0 ; String to be printed with a null terminator

section .text
    org 0x7C00 ; Origin address for boot sector

    ; Set up the stack
    xor ax, ax
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 0x7C00

    ; Load Data Segment (DS) with the segment of our code/data
    mov ax, 0x07C0
    mov ds, ax

    ; Print the string
    mov si, msg ; Load the address of the string into SI register
    lodsb         ; Load byte at [SI] into AL and increment SI
    test al, al   ; Perform bitwise AND of AL with itself to set flags
    jz done       ; If zero flag is set (AL was zero), jump to done
    mov ah, 0x0E  ; BIOS teletype function
    int 0x10      ; Call BIOS interrupt to print character in AL
    jmp print_char ; Repeat for the next character

    ; Hang (loop indefinitely)
    cli           ; Clear interrupts
    hlt           ; Halt the CPU

times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Fill the rest of the boot sector with zeros
dw 0xAA55            ; Boot sector signature

Example 2: lodsw (Load String Word)

This example demonstrates how to load words (2 bytes) from memory and store them in the AX register.

section .data
    data_words dw 0x1234, 0x5678, 0x9ABC, 0xDEF0 ; Some 16-bit words

section .text
    org 0x7C00 ; Origin address for boot sector

    ; Set up the stack
    xor ax, ax
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 0x7C00

    ; Load Data Segment (DS) with the segment of our code/data
    mov ax, 0x07C0
    mov ds, ax

    ; Load words from memory and print them
    mov si, data_words ; Load the address of the data into SI register
    mov cx, 4          ; Number of words to load
    lodsw         ; Load word at [SI] into AX and increment SI by 2
    ; Here we could add code to use the word in AX (e.g., print it)
    loop load_word ; Repeat for the next word

    ; Hang (loop indefinitely)
    cli           ; Clear interrupts
    hlt           ; Halt the CPU

times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Fill the rest of the boot sector with zeros
dw 0xAA55            ; Boot sector signature

Example 3: lodsd (Load String Doubleword)

This example demonstrates how to load doublewords (4 bytes) from memory and store them in the EAX register.

section .data
    data_dwords dd 0x12345678, 0x9ABCDEF0, 0x11223344, 0x55667788 ; Some 32-bit doublewords

section .text
    org 0x7C00 ; Origin address for boot sector

    ; Set up the stack
    xor ax, ax
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 0x7C00

    ; Load Data Segment (DS) with the segment of our code/data
    mov ax, 0x07C0
    mov ds, ax

    ; Load doublewords from memory and print them
    mov si, data_dwords ; Load the address of the data into SI register
    mov cx, 4           ; Number of doublewords to load
    lodsd         ; Load doubleword at [SI] into EAX and increment SI by 4
    ; Here we could add code to use the doubleword in EAX (e.g., print it)
    loop load_dword ; Repeat for the next doubleword

    ; Hang (loop indefinitely)
    cli           ; Clear interrupts
    hlt           ; Halt the CPU

times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Fill the rest of the boot sector with zeros
dw 0xAA55            ; Boot sector signature

Advantages of lodsx Instructions:

1. Efficiency:

  • LODSX instructions are optimized for string operations, allowing for efficient loading of data from memory into registers. This efficiency is crucial for performance-sensitive applications, such as operating systems, device drivers, and embedded systems.

2. Simplified Syntax:

  • The LODSX instructions provide a concise and straightforward syntax for loading data from memory, reducing the amount of code needed to perform common string manipulation tasks. This simplicity improves code readability and maintainability, making it easier for programmers to understand and debug their code.

3. Versatility:

  • The LODSX family supports different data sizes, including bytes, words, doublewords, and quadwords, allowing for versatile data manipulation in various scenarios. This versatility enables programmers to handle different types of data efficiently without the need for additional instructions or operations.

4. Flexibility:

  • LODSX instructions work seamlessly with other string operations and control flow instructions, providing flexibility in designing and implementing complex algorithms and data structures. This flexibility allows programmers to create efficient and optimized solutions tailored to their specific requirements.

5. Performance Optimization:

  • By efficiently loading data from memory into registers, LODSX instructions help optimize performance by minimizing memory access times and reducing the number of instructions needed to perform string manipulation tasks. This optimization is essential for improving overall system performance and responsiveness, especially in resource-constrained environments.

6. Compatibility:

  • LODSX instructions are compatible with a wide range of x86-based processors and architectures, ensuring portability and compatibility across different hardware platforms and operating systems. This compatibility allows programmers to write assembly code that can run on various systems without modification, simplifying cross-platform development and deployment.

7. Low-Level Control:

  • LODSX instructions provide low-level control over data manipulation and memory access, allowing programmers to fine-tune performance and optimize resource usage for specific applications and use cases. This low-level control is particularly useful for system-level programming and kernel development, where precise control over hardware resources is essential.