Floating Point Representation

Floating-point numbers (which contains decimal places) are stored in memory using a format known as floating-point representation. In most modern computers, the IEEE 754 standard is commonly used for representation floating-point numbers.

This standard defines several formats for representing floating-point numbers, including single precision (32 bits) and double precision (64 bits). 

1 Single Precision (32 bits):

In single precision, a floating-point number is represented using 32 bits, divided into three fields: sign bit, exponent, and significant (also called mantissa). The format is as follows:

 31      30-23        22-0
[Sign] [Exponent] [Significand]
  • Sign Bit (1 bit): Represents the sign of the number. 0 indicates positive and 1 indicates negative.
  • Exponent (8 bits): Represents the exponent of the number, biased by fixed value (127 for single precision).
  • Significant (23 bits): Represents the fractional part of the number.

2 Double Precision (64 bits):

In double precision, a floating-point number is represented using 64 bits, divided into three fields: sign bit, exponent, and significant. The format is as follows:

 63           62-52                  51-0
[Sign] [     Exponent    ] [       Significand        ]
  • Sign Bit (1 bit): Represents the sign of the number.
  • Exponent (11 bits): Represents the exponent of the number, biased by a fixed value (1023 for double precision).
  • Significand (52 bits): Represents the fractional part of the number.