Category grid

Understanding Localhost

Understanding Localhost

Localhost refers to the local computer, mapped to IP ``. It is essential for development, allowing testing and debugging services on the same machine. This article explains its role, shows how to modify the hosts file in Linux and Windows.

Constraints as Clues: A Guide to Efficient DSA Problem Solving

Constraints as Clues: A Guide to Efficient DSA Problem Solving

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to predict the optimal approach for a DSA problem simply by analyzing its constraints. By recognizing the input size, value range, and time complexity requirements, you can make informed decisions about the algorithmic strategy to use. Whether you're dealing with small inputs or large dataset, constraints helps us to quickly choose the right data structures.

Yoda Notation: A Coding Style for Safety

Yoda Notation: A Coding Style for Safety

In this article we will talk about a serious error of misassignment in programming, the one of the main reason for introduction of bugs. Later, we discuss how to find this issue with yoda notation and get it fixed.



Water pollution occurs when harmful substances enter water bodies and impact the quality of the water. These substances can be chemicals, toxins or even microorganisms. As a result, aquatic ecosystems and the water we depend on become contaminated, posing threats to both the environment and human health.