Problem Statement

You are working at a lemonade stand and are given an array of integers representing the amount of money each customer pays for a lemonade. The stand only accepts $5, $10, and $20 bills. Your task is to determine if you can provide the correct change to each customer in the sequence.


  • An array bills where each element represents the bill amount paid by a customer. The array will only contain the values 5, 10, and 20.


  • Return true if you can provide correct change for every customer, otherwise return false.


  • You start with no money in the register.
  • You can only give change using the money you have collected from previous customers.


Example 1:

Input: bills = [5, 5, 5, 10, 20]

Output: true

Customer 1 pays $5: no change needed. Now we have one 5$.
Customer 2 pays $5: no change needed. Now we have two 5$.
Customer 3 pays $5: no change needed. Now we have three 5$.
Customer 4 pays $10: give one $5 bill as change. We are left with two 5$ and one 10$.
Customer 5 pays $20: give one $10 bill and one $5 bill as change. We are left with one 5$ and two 10$.

All customers receive the correct change.
Example 2:

Input: bills = [5, 5, 10, 10, 20]
Output: false

Customer 1 pays $5: no change needed. We have now one 5$.
Customer 2 pays $5: no change needed. We have now two 5$.
Customer 3 pays $10: give one $5 bill as change. We are left with one 5$ and one 10$.
Customer 4 pays $10: give one $5 bill as change and we are left with zero 5$ and two 10$.
Customer 5 pays 20$: All we have is two 10$ and none 5$. We have to pay him 15$ and since we don't have 5$ left with us.

So, All customers did not receive the change correctly, we return false.

Different Approaches:

1️⃣ Greedy Approach


If a customer pays with a $5 bill, it's easy because we don't need to give any change. When a customer pays with a $10 bill, we need to have a $5 bill on hand to give them the correct change.
Now, if someone pays with a $20 bill, we can give them change with one $10 bill and one $5 bill, or if we don't have a $10 bill, we need to have three $5 bills to make the change.


  • Track the Count of Bills:
    • Maintain counters for $5 and $10 bills, as they are crucial for making change.
  • Process Each Customer:
    • For each $5 bill received, increment the $5 bill counter. Because no change is needed.
    • If a customer pays with a $10 bill, provide them with $5 in change. Ensure there is at least one $5 bill to do this. If there is, give the $5 bill and keep the $10 bill. If not, it is impossible to give the correct change, and the process should stop.
    • If a customer pays with a $20 bill, provide them with $15 in change. The preferred way is by giving one $10 bill and one $5 bill. If there is no $10 bill, give three $5 bills instead. If neither option is possible, providing the correct change is not feasible, and the process should stop.
  • If the correct change is given to all customers, the process is successful. If at any point providing the correct change is not possible, the process fails.

Dry Run:

bills = |  5  |  5  |  5  | 10  | 20  |
fiveCount = 0
tenCount = 0
First Iteration:
bills = |  5  |  5  |  5  | 10  | 20  |
fiveCount = 0
tenCount = 0

since bills[i] == 5$
      just increment the fiveCount
Second Iteration:
bills = |  5  |  5  |  5  | 10  | 20  |
fiveCount = 1
tenCount = 0

since bills[i] == 5$
      just increment the fiveCount
Third Iteration:
bills = |  5  |  5  |  5  | 10  | 20  |
fiveCount = 2
tenCount = 0

since bills[i] == 5$
      just increment the fiveCount
Fourth Iteration:
bills = |  5  |  5  |  5  | 10  | 20  |
fiveCount = 3
tenCount = 0

Now, bills[i] == 10$
	we have to pay back 5$ as a change.
	and decrement the fiveCount.
	and increment the tenCount.
Fifth Iteration:
bills = |  5  |  5  |  5  | 10  | 20  |
fiveCount = 2
tenCount = 1

Now, bills[i] == 20$
	we have to pay it 15$. It could be the combination of
	10$ + 5$ OR 5$ + 5$ + 5$ OR return false if we dont have that much.
	Since we have one 10$ and two 5$.
	Then we can pay him that 10$ and one from 5$.
	and we are left with zero 10 $ and one 5$.
Loop Termination:
bills = |  5  |  5  |  5  | 10  | 20  |
fiveCount = 1
tenCount = 0

Since i has exceeded the bounds of the array,
means we have served all the customers with
proper change.

return true.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

class Solution {
    /* Function to find whether each customer can 
       be provided with correct change */
    bool lemonadeChange(vector<int>& bills) {
        // Counter for $5
        int five = 0; 
        // Counter for $10
        int ten = 0;   
        // Iterate through each customer's bill
        for (int i = 0; i < bills.size(); i++) {
            /* If the customer's
               bill is $5 */
            if (bills[i] == 5) {
                // Increment $5
            /* If the customer's
               bill is $10 */
            else if (bills[i] == 10) {
                /* Check if there are $5
                   bills available to give change */
                if (five) {
                     // Use one $5
                    // Receive one $10
                /* If no $5 bill
                   available, return false */
                else return false;  
            /* If the customer's
               bill is $20 */
            else {
               /* Check if there are both
                  $5 and $10 bills
                  available to give change */
                if (five && ten) {
                     // Use one $5
                    // Use one $10
               /* If there are not enough $10 bills,
                  check if there are at least
                  three $5 bills available */
                else if (five >= 3) {
                    // Use three $5 bills
                    five -= 3;  
                /* If unable to give
                   change, return false */
                else return false;  
        // Return true
        return true;  

int main() {
    vector<int> bills = {5, 5, 5, 10, 20};
    cout << "Queues of customers: ";
    for (int bill : bills) {
        cout << bill << " ";
    cout << endl;
    Solution solution;
    bool ans = solution.lemonadeChange(bills);
    if (ans)
        cout << "It is possible to provide change for all customers." << endl;
        cout << "It is not possible to provide change for all customers." << endl;
    return 0;

Complexity Analysis:

  • Time Complexity:O(N) where N is the number of people in the queue or the number of bills to be processed. Each customer's bill is processed exactly once. The loop iterates N times, and the operations performed during each iteration are done in constant time.
  • Space Complexity:O(1) because no extra space is used.