Problem Statement

You are given an array of integers, where each integer represents the number of pages in a book. There are n books and m students. The task is to allocate books to students subject to the following conditions:

  1. Each student must be assigned at least one book.
  2. Each book can be allocated to only one student.
  3. The books allocated to a student must be contiguous.

Find out the maximum number of pages assigned to a student is minimum.


Example 1:

Input: pages = [12, 34, 67, 90], m = 2
Output: 113
Example 2:

Input: pages = [15, 17, 20], m = 2
Output: 32
Example 3:

Input: pages = [10, 20, 30, 40], m = 4
Output: 40

Each student gets exactly one book:

Student 1: {10} => 10 pages
Student 2: {20} => 20 pages
Student 3: {30} => 30 pages
Student 4: {40} => 40 pages
The maximum pages allocated is 40
Example 4:

Input: pages = [10, 20, 30], m = 4
Output: -1

Explanation: Since there are more students than books, it is impossible to allocate books such that each students gets at least one book. Hence, the output is -1.

Different Approaches

1️⃣ Brute Force Approach


The extremely naive approach is to check all possible pages from max element of the array to sum of all the elements of the array. The minimum pages for which all the books can be allocated to M students will be our answer


  1. Edge case: If the number of students given is greater than the total number books, then the allocation is impossible and return -1 as answer.
  2. First, find the range of the search space, which will be [low, high], where low is the maximum element of the array and high is the sum of all elements of the array.
    1. low represents the smallest possible value for the maximum pages any student can read.
      1. If we assign only one book to a student, the minimum pages they must read is the largest book in the array. For example:

        arr = {12, 34, 67, 90}

        Even if we try to minimize the maximum pages, a student must read at least 90 pages (the largest book). Therefore the lower bound of our search space is the maximum element of the array.

    2. High represents the largest possible value for the maximum pages any student can read.
      1. If we assign all books to one student, they would read all the pages. Thus the sum of the array (12 + 34 + 67 + 90 = 203, in this case) represents the upper bound of the search space.
  3. Now, iterate from low to high using a for loop, inside this loop use a function to get the number of students to whom books can be allocated.
  4. If the value returned from the helper function is equal to the given limit(m) then return the current value of the iteration.
  5. Finally, if no suitable answer is found then return low(max element of the array) as an answer.

Dry Run:

arr = | 12  | 34  | 67  | 90  |
arr = | 12  | 34  | 67  | 90  |
low = maximum of the array = 90
high = sum of all the elements of the array
     = 12 + 34 + 67 + 90 = 203
Iterate from low to high
low = 90
high = 203

arr = | 12  | 34  | 67  | 90  |
     TargetLimit = low = 90
     numberOfStudents = 1
     pagesForStudent = 0
     Traverse through the array:
     Iteration 1 (i = 0):
         if(pagesForStudent + arr[i] <= TargetLimit)
              0 + 12 <= 90
              12 <= 90
              set pagesForStudent = pagesForStudent + arr[i]
                   pagesForStudent = 0 + 12
                   pagesForStudent = 12

arr = | 12  | 34  | 67  | 90  |
     TargetLimit = low = 90
     numberOfStudents = 1
     pagesForStudent = 12
     Traverse through the array:
     Iteration 2 (i = 1):
         if(pagesForStudent + arr[i] <= TargetLimit)
              12 + 34 <= 90
              46 <= 90
              set pagesForStudent = pagesForStudent + arr[i]
                   pagesForStudent = 12 + 34
                   pagesForStudent = 46

arr = | 12  | 34  | 67  | 90  |
     TargetLimit = low = 90
     numberOfStudents = 1
     pagesForStudent = 46
     Traverse through the array:
     Iteration 3 (i = 2):
         if(pagesForStudent + arr[i] <= TargetLimit)
              46 + 67 <= 90
              113 <= 90
                  Increment the numberOfStudents
                  numberOfStudents = 2
                  pagesForStudent = arr[i]
                  pagesForStudent = arr[2]
                  pagesForStudent = 67 (it means this is the starting for the next student)

arr = | 12  | 34  | 67  | 90  |
     TargetLimit = low = 90
     numberOfStudents = 2
     pagesForStudent = 67
     Traverse through the array:
     Iteration 4 (i = 3):
         if(pagesForStudent + arr[i] <= TargetLimit)
              67 + 90 <= 90
              157 <= 90
                  Increment the numberOfStudents
                  numberOfStudents = 3
                  pagesForStudent = arr[i]
                  pagesForStudent = arr[3]
                  pagesForStudent = 90 (it means this is the starting for the next student)
Inner loop Termination:
arr = | 12  | 34  | 67  | 90  |
     numberOfStudents = 3
     return it to the caller
     It means that if we need to maintain 90 pages
     per students then we would need 3 students.
Return to the caller:
We get the numberOfStudents as 3 from the callee.
Which means for the minimum of 90 pages per students,
we would need a total of 3 students however we are
given students as m = 2, which means 90 is not the
minimum of maximum pages.
Next Iteration:
Continue this process for the low as 91 and high
as same 203.

Keep doing it until the callee returns the students which is equal to the given students.


#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
using namespace std;

// Function to calculate the number of students required to allocate books
// such that no student reads more than 'currentLimit' pages.
int countStudents(vector<int>& arr, int currentLimit) {
    int possibleStudents = 1; // Start with one student
    int currentSum = 0; // Track the sum of pages allocated to the current student

    for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
        // If adding the current book doesn't exceed the limit, add it
        if (currentSum + arr[i] <= currentLimit) {
            currentSum += arr[i];
        } else {
            // Otherwise, assign the current book to the next student
            currentSum = arr[i];
    return possibleStudents; // Return the total number of students required

// Function to find the minimum of the maximum pages assigned to any student
int allocatePages(vector<int>& arr, int numberOfStudents) {

    // If the number of students is greater than the number of books, allocation is impossible
    if (numberOfStudents > arr.size()) {
        return -1;

    // Find the maximum number of pages in a single book (minimum possible limit)
    // and the total sum of all pages (maximum possible limit)
    int maxi = INT_MIN; // Initialize to the smallest possible value
    int sum = 0; // Initialize the total sum of pages
    for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
        sum += arr[i]; // Calculate the total sum of pages
        maxi = max(maxi, arr[i]); // Track the largest book

    // Set the range for the possible maximum pages
    int low = maxi; // Minimum possible maximum pages (largest single book)
    int high = sum; // Maximum possible maximum pages (all books combined)

    // Use a linear search to find the minimum maximum pages
    for (; low <= high; low++) {
        // Check if the current limit 'low' allows exactly 'numberOfStudents' allocations
        if (countStudents(arr, low) == numberOfStudents) {
            return low; // Return the smallest valid maximum pages

// Main function to test the allocatePages function
int main() {
    vector<int> arr = {12, 34, 67, 90}; // Array of book pages
    int m = 2; // Number of students

    // Call the function to calculate the minimum of maximum pages
    int minimumOfMaximum = allocatePages(arr, m);

    // Output the result
    cout << "The answer is: " << minimumOfMaximum << "\n";

    return 0;

Complexity Analysis:

  • Time Complexity: O(N * (sum - max)), where N is the size of the array, sum is the sum of all array elements, max is the maximum of all array elements.
    • The outer loop runs from max to sum to check all possible numbers of pages.
    • The inner loop, iterates over the array, thus it runs for N times.
  • Space Complexity: O(1)

2️⃣ Binary Search


Here, the idea is to use binary search algorithm to optimize the brute-force solution which was using linear search algorithm. The answer space, represented as [max element, sum of all elements], is actually sorted so, binary search algorithm can be applied here. Based on certain conditions, the search space can be divided into halves in each iteration thus enhancing the overall time complexity.


  1. Edge case: If the number of students given is greater than the total number books, then the allocation is impossible and return -1 as answer.
  2. Take two pointers, low and high. Initialize low to max(maximum element of the array) and high to sum(sum of all the elements of the array). The range from [low,high] will define the search space.
  3. Now, initialize a while loop, which runs till low is less than or equal to high. Inside this loop calculate the 'mid' by using mid = (low+high) // 2 ( ‘//’ refers to integer division). The mid will be the defining the minimum possible maximum pages that can be allocated to any student.
  4. Calculate students by using the countStudents function, which determines how many students are needed if each student can read up to 'mid' pages.
    If students is greater than m, it means mid is too small (more students are needed), so adjust low to mid + 1, else, mid might be a valid solution or could potentially be reduced, so adjust high to mid - 1.
  5. After the binary search concludes (low > high), low will represent the minimum possible maximum pages that can be allocated to any student while ensuring m or fewer students are needed. Return low as the result.
  6. Working of countStudents(nums, pages):
    1. Start by getting the size of the array nums and store in in 'n'. Initialize students to 1, assuming at least one student is required and also initialize pagesStudent to 0, which will keep track of the total number of pages assigned to the current student.
    2. Iterate through the array and check if adding current element to pagesStudent will keep the total pages assigned to the current student within the limit specified by pages. If true, add the current element to pagesStudent, indicating that the current student can handle these additional pages.
    3. If adding the current element would exceed the limit pages, it indicates that a new student is needed to handle these pages. Increment the students counter to account for the new student. Reset pagesStudent to the current element, starting a new student with the current element's pages. Finally, return the 'student' variable.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

class Solution {
    /* Function to count the number of 
    students required given the maximum 
    pages each student can read */
    int countStudents(vector<int>& nums, int pages) {
        // Size of array
        int n = nums.size();
        int students = 1;
        int pagesStudent = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (pagesStudent + nums[i] <= pages) {
                // Add pages to current student
                pagesStudent += nums[i];
            } else {
                // Add pages to next student
                pagesStudent = nums[i];
        return students;
    /*Function to allocate the book to ‘m’ 
    students such that the maximum number 
    of pages assigned to a student is minimum */
    int findPages(vector<int>& nums, int m) {
        int n = nums.size();
        // Book allocation impossible
        if (m > n) return -1;

        // Calculate the range for binary search
        int low = *max_element(nums.begin(), nums.end());
        int high = accumulate(nums.begin(), nums.end(), 0);

        // Binary search for minimum maximum pages
        while (low <= high) {
            int mid = (low + high) / 2;
            int students = countStudents(nums, mid);
            if (students > m) {
                // go right
                low = mid + 1;
            else {
                // go left
                high = mid - 1;
        return low;

int main() {
    vector<int> arr = {25, 46, 28, 49, 24};
    int n = 5; 
    int m = 4;

    // Create an instance of the Solution class
    Solution sol;

    int ans = sol.findPages(arr, m);

    // Output the result
    cout << "The answer is: " << ans << "\n";

    return 0;
class Solution {

    // Function to calculate the number of students required to allocate books
    // such that no student reads more than 'currentLimit' pages.
    int countStudents(vector<int>& arr, int currentLimit) {
        int possibleStudents = 1; // Start with one student
        int currentSum = 0; // Track the sum of pages allocated to the current student

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
            // If adding the current book doesn't exceed the limit, add it
            if (currentSum + arr[i] <= currentLimit) {
                currentSum += arr[i];
            } else {
                // Otherwise, assign the current book to the next student
                currentSum = arr[i];
        return possibleStudents; // Return the total number of students required

    // Function to find the minimum of the maximum pages assigned to any student
    int findPages(vector<int> &arr, int numberOfStudents) {
        if (numberOfStudents > arr.size()) {
            return -1; // Allocation impossible

        // Determine the range for binary search
        int maxi = *max_element(arr.begin(), arr.end()); // Largest single book
        int sum = accumulate(arr.begin(), arr.end(), 0); // Total pages in all books

        int low = maxi; // Minimum possible maximum pages
        int high = sum; // Maximum possible maximum pages
        int result = -1; // Store the result

        while (low <= high) {
            int mid = low + (high - low) / 2; // Middle point of the range

            // Determine the number of students needed for this mid value
            int students = countStudents(arr, mid);

            if (students <= numberOfStudents) {
                // If the current mid works, it's a potential answer
                result = mid;
                high = mid - 1; // Try for a smaller maximum
            } else {
                // If more students are needed, increase the limit
                low = mid + 1;
        return result; // Return the minimum maximum pages

Complexity Analysis:

  • Time Complexity: O(N * log(sum - max)), where N is the size of the array, sum is the sum of all array elements, max is the maximum of all array.
    • As Binary search is applied on [max, sum].
      • The outer loop will run for the value of mid.
      • The inner loop will runs for N times.
  • Space Complexity: O(1)