Problem Statement
Given a binary tree, determine if it is symmetric around its center. In other words, check if the left subtree is a mirror reflection of the right subtree.
Example 1:
Consider the following binary tree:
/ \
2 2
/ \ / \
3 4 4 3
This tree is symmetric because:
- The left subtree of node 1 is
[2, 3, 4]
. - The right subtree of node 1 is
[2, 4, 3]
, which is a mirror reflection of the left subtree.
Different Approaches
1 Recursive Approach:
if root is null:
return true
return isMirror(root->left, root->right)
isMirror(left, right):
if left is null and right is null:
return true
if left is null or right is null or left->val != right->val:
return false
return isMirror(left->left, right->right) && isMirror(left->right, right->left)
2 Iterative Approach using Queue
if root is null:
return true
queue <- [root->left, root->right]
while queue is not empty:
left <- queue.front
right <- queue.front
if left is null and right is null:
if left is null or right is null or left->val != right->val:
return false
return true
Code Implementation
1 Recursive Approach:
class Solution {
// Function to check if a binary tree is symmetric
bool isSymmetric(TreeNode* root) {
// If the tree is empty, it is symmetric by definition
if (!root)
return true;
// Call the helper function to check if the left and right subtrees are mirrors of each other
return isMirror(root->left, root->right);
// Helper function to check if two subtrees are mirrors of each other
bool isMirror(TreeNode* left, TreeNode* right) {
// If both nodes are null, they are mirrors of each other
if (!left && !right)
return true;
// If one of the nodes is null or their values are different, they are not mirrors
if (!left || !right || left->val != right->val)
return false;
// Recursively check if the left subtree of the left node is a mirror of the right subtree of the right node
// and if the right subtree of the left node is a mirror of the left subtree of the right node
return isMirror(left->left, right->right) && isMirror(left->right, right->left);
2 Iterative Approach using Queue:
class Solution {
// Function to check if a binary tree is symmetric
bool isSymmetric(TreeNode* root) {
// If the tree is empty, it is symmetric by definition
if (!root)
return true;
// Create a queue for level order traversal
queue<TreeNode*> q;
// Enqueue the left and right children of the root
// Continue until the queue is empty
while (!q.empty()) {
// Dequeue two nodes at a time
TreeNode* left = q.front();
TreeNode* right = q.front();
// If both nodes are null, continue to the next pair of nodes
if (!left && !right)
// If one of the nodes is null or their values are different, the tree is not symmetric
if (!left || !right || left->val != right->val)
return false;
// Enqueue the left child of the left node and the right child of the right node
// Enqueue the right child of the left node and the left child of the right node
// If the loop completes without returning false, the tree is symmetric
return true;
Code Complexity Analysis
1 Recursive Approach:
- Time Complexity:
- The time complexity of the recursive approach is
, where n is the number of nodes in the binary tree. - This is because we traverse each node once, performing constant-time operations at each node.
- The time complexity of the recursive approach is
- Space Complexity:
- The space complexity of the recursive approach is
, where h is the height of the binary tree. - This is due to the recursive calls consuming space on the call stack.
- In the worst case, when the tree is skewed, the height of the tree can be equal to the number of nodes, resulting in
space complexity.
- The space complexity of the recursive approach is
2 Iterative Approach using Queue:
- Time Complexity:
- The time complexity of the iterative approach is
, where n is the number of nodes in the binary tree. - In the worst case, we traverse all nodes of the binary tree once.
- The time complexity of the iterative approach is
- Space Complexity:
- The space complexity of the iterative approach is
, where n is the number of nodes in the binary tree. - This is because we use a queue data structure to perform level-order traversal of the tree, which can store up to
nodes in the worst case. - Additionally, the space complexity is not affected by the shape of the tree since we traverse it iteratively without using additional recursive calls.
- The space complexity of the iterative approach is